Perhaps you recently got away to a delightful resort or spa where you enjoyed the incredible relaxation of a steam shower. You may be wishing you could have that same wonderful experience at home every day.
Wed, Sep 28, 2022 | Hello MrSteam
As a builder, you already recognize the importance of show-ready model homes to help your prospective customers make that critical buying decision. While today’s home shoppers can do a lot of research online and start to learn more about home layouts and…
Mon, Sep 26, 2022 | Hello MrSteam
The effectiveness of your steam shower is a culmination of several factors. It takes a combination of the right steam generator, controls, fittings, contractors, and materials. Think of it as a symphony where a wrong note in one section can impact the…
Wed, Sep 21, 2022 | Hello MrSteam
It is a stressful world, and daily reminders are all around us. It can be difficult to maintain your Zen when chaos abounds. When the world is weighing heavy on your shoulders, you need a safe space to land.
Self-care is a topic you likely see mentioned…
Wed, Sep 14, 2022 | Hello MrSteam
If your shower can comfortably fit two people, you have enough space for a steam shower. You may have unwittingly blocked the manifestation of your dream home spa by telling yourself these common misconceptions:
Wed, Sep 07, 2022 | Hello MrSteam
Tue, Aug 30, 2022 | Hello MrSteam
As things get more technologically advanced, there's a perception that they become more challenging to use. While it may be true that some advanced technology is highly complicated, it doesn't have to be. Our tech products undergo intelligent,…
Tue, Aug 23, 2022 | Guest Post by Leah Heinsius
Wellness begins with an intimate reflection of your personal needs. How you meet those needs can significantly affect your overall health. The bathroom is the place where most people start and end their days. Usually the closest thing to a spa in any…
Tue, Aug 09, 2022 | Hello MrSteam
We are living on a toxic planet. In a new study led by the Stockholm Environmental Institute, chemical pollution has increased 50x since 1950 and is projected to triple again by 2050. 350,000 chemicals are currently in use and present in our daily lives.…
Wed, Aug 03, 2022 | Kathryn Drury Wagner
Some poor souls have to drive to the gym to get their steam-shower fix. Others have to visit a day spa to enjoy a restorative steam session, and still others have to count down the days until their next hotel vacation. But if you’ve invested in an…
Wed, Jul 20, 2022 | Guest Post by Shea Pumarejo
Our primary bathrooms have become our sanctuaries. Where this was once just a place that provided a means to get clean, our clients are now reinventing these spaces to focus on wellness and self-care. It's a place to relax and meditate without the noise…