You want steam, but are wondering if your bathroom is big enough for a steam shower? A Steamtherapy reader recently asked us about installing a Mr.Steam steam shower in two tiny bathrooms, one 5'x5' and the other 4'x4', in a comment on our recent post, …
Wed, Mar 18, 2015 | Hello MrSteam
One reason why Mr.Steam products are the perfect solution for your home steam shower is because they are so intuitive to use. Take, for example, the stylish iTempo series of steam shower controls, which allow you to easily schedule your personal…
Wed, Mar 11, 2015 | Hello MrSteam
If you've realized that your new steam room design won't be complete without a steam generator from Mr.Steam, you'll appreciate this visual guide to installing a steam shower generator along with either the iTempo or the iSteam Control.
Wed, Mar 04, 2015 | Hello MrSteam
If you've selected the AromaSteam System for your Mr.Steam home steam shower generator, you may want to know how to connect the Aroma Request Cable. In this article, we show you how to do so.
Wed, Feb 25, 2015 | Hello MrSteam
On the very off chance that your steam generator's heating element needs to be replaced at some point, Mr.Steam has made it as easy as possible.
Wed, Feb 18, 2015 | Hello MrSteam
If you ever meet Martha Orellana, vice president of marketing for Mr.Steam, you'll understand immediately why she is referred to as "Mrs. Steam."
Wed, Feb 11, 2015 | Hello MrSteam
How better to inspire the designers and bloggers participating in BlogTour Las Vegas 2015 than with the soothing experience of a steam shower and new Hammam Spa products from Mr.Stream?
The combination proved particularly successful for designers…
Wed, Feb 04, 2015 | Hello MrSteam
There are few things more enjoyable than wrapping yourself in a warm towel after a relaxing steam shower. It creates a cocoon of warmth that extends the relaxation you gained through steam or warm water, helping you ease back into your day. A Mr.Steam…
Wed, Jan 28, 2015 | Hello MrSteam
The only thing better than a home steam shower is a home steam shower that features iSteam 2.0 with WiFi.
iSteam 2.0 is the beautifully designed swipe-touch steam shower control that puts all the feel-good features of your home steam shower literally at…
Tue, Jan 20, 2015 | Hello MrSteam
If you're serious about embracing a healthy lifestyle - not to mention a few benefits of steam! - you'll want to surround yourself with healthy home inspiration.
Wed, Jan 14, 2015 | Hello MrSteam
It's the start of the year and, for many of you, a new vigorous workout program may be high on the list of priorities. Not only does working out dramatically increase overall fitness and health, but it also impacts your emotional well being as it…