How to Change Your Steam Generator's Heating Element
On the very off chance that your steam generator's heating element needs to be replaced at some point, Mr.Steam has made it as easy as possible.
After all, your steam bath experience depends upon this component. The heating element is what converts water into steam in a steam generator, resulting in steamtherapy that through the ages has delivered so many benefits. From the Great Bath in ancient Mohenjodaro to the banya of Russia, steamtherapy has permeated peoples and cultures throughout time. From soothing respiratory passages to promoting softer, more supple skin, a daily steam shower can be life-changing.
>> For more information, read the entire series on the History of SteamBathing.
For this reason, we’ve created a simple, step-by-step guide for professional contractors who would work on replacing your Mr.Steam steam generator heating element. Although Kris Lee, Mr.Steam Technical Sales Representative makes it look easy in the video below, Mr.Steam recommends using a professional in the event that your heating element needs servicing.
How To Change The Heating Element In Your Mr.Steam Steam Generator
The following instructions will help you replace the heating element in Mr.Steam Super or regular Mr.Steam eSeries steam generators.
2. Remove the side cover for the heating element. It's on the narrow side of the steam generator.
3. Once you remove the cover, unscrew the four nuts for each blue wire leading to the heating element.
4. Move all of the blue wires out of the way, so you can easily slide out the heating element.
5. Unscrew the six nuts that hold the heating element in place.

6. Once all the nuts have been removed, simply slide out the old heating element and remove the old gasket.
7. Unpack the new heating element. On the element's bracket, you will see the word "top." After attaching a new gasket, slide in the new element so that the "top" of the heater is facing the ceiling.
8. Return the blue heating element wires back onto the heating element in the same sequence you took them out. Screw all the nuts back in and put on the cover.
That's it!
You've now successfully changed the steam generator heating element. If you had previously opened a drain valve, make sure you close it. Turn the power on at the main breaker and test that your generator is delivering steam.
The 1:25-minute video below walks you through all eight steps:
MrSteam How to: Heating Element Installation from Mr.Steam on Vimeo.
Why Would a Steam Shower Heating Element Need to be Replaced?
Water contains impurities that can concentrate within the steam generator tank. If the impurities are allowed to build up beyond certain limits, a deposit or “scale” will form on the inside of the generator, including on the heating element. Most common in hard water areas, users become aware of the problem when less steam is produced.
Some steam shower generators need special care from users to prevent heating element failure. With Mr.Steam, however, the exclusive AutoFlush feature in Mr.Steam eSeries generators significantly reduces the impact of water impurities. AutoFlush automatically and electronically flushes the generator of sediment two hours after every steam bath. Users don't need to do a thing, AutoFlush does all work, flushing the generator into a back drain, and not into your beautiful shower!
>>Learn more about Mr.Steam AutoFlush.
What's Next?
With the heating element replaced, it's time for you to practice Steam Bathing 101: Seven Steps For an Effective Steam Bath and experience steam bath benefits firsthand!