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The Smartest Home Includes Mr.Steam: Dwell Magazine July/August 2013

MrSteam Dwell Magazine Smartest HomeDwell Magazine's July/August 2013 issue includes a special report titled "The Smartest Home: Intelligent Tech Design For Every Room" and and the iSteam control from Mr.Steam is included! Makes sense to us -- iSteam is super-intelligent tech design, bringing smart phone, swipe-touch simplicity to shower controls.

Plus, this issue is about American Made products, which Mr.Steam can proudly lay claim to!

Dwell Magazine is all about the comfort and functionality of modern design. It's about 'being at home in the modern world' and states on the magazine's website:

"We invite you to explore modern homes through the eyes of the people who live in them. Dwell is focused on demonstrating that modern design can be both functional and comfortable. From modern architecture to product design, Dwell is committed to showing you how good design can complement your life. Discover products, architecture and ideas that will help you integrate the best of modern design into your living space."

Dwell Magazine's July/August 2013 special report "The Smartest Home: Intelligent Tech Design For Every Room" explores every room in the house looking for high tech solutions. 

More specifically, the sections include:

  • That's Entertainment
  • The Science of Upkeep
  • Punching the Digital Clock
  • Joy of Cooking
  • Garage Rock

Mr.Steam is included in The Science of Upkeep.

MrSteam Dwell magazine Science Upkeep (581x332) (250x143)The description for Mr.Steam reads:

"iSteam Touch by Mr.Steam $1,200.

From one screen, control the temperature, time, even the aroma of your steam shower. The fused-silica glass and polished, cast-aluminum housing keep the electronics dry and functioning. mr.steam.com"

(If you'd like more detail about iSteam, read iSteam Touch Panel: Revolutionizing your Home Spa.)

What's particularly wonderful about this - having just taken part in Steam + Health + KBTribeChat Make for Memorable Dwell on Design 2013 - is that a Mr.Steam friend is included in this Dwell Magazine's special report "The Smartest Home: Intelligent Tech Design For Every Room": Miele.

We hope you'll get your copy of the July/August 2013 issue of Dwell Magazine so you can pour through the various intelligent home tech resources and ideas included in "The Smartest Home: Intelligent Tech Design For Every Room". 

Then, let us know what you introduce into your home.

Thank you, Dwell Magazine!


Topics: Benefits of Steam, In the News, Bathroom Remodel