Revitalize Your Work Day with #MondayMambo and Mr.Steam
As much as Mondays - often known as the least popular day of the week - are inevitable, we'd like to recommend that you cherish Mondays as an opportunity to revitalize your work day and week with #MondayMambo and Mr.Steam.
In so doing, we guarantee that you can boost your energy and mental alertness while feeling good and reducing stress.
How? With a little music, some movement and stretching, you'll find that you can go a long way to improve not only your mood and productivity levels, but also your overall physical and mental wellness. Ready to learn more?
The #MondayMambo Revitalize-Your-Work-Day Nitty Gritty!
#MondayMambo is intended to help you achieve just that - overall wellness, reduced stress and increased productivity.
How does it work? Every Monday, the folks at Mr.Steam will play your favorite tunes starting at 1 P.M. ET/10 A.M. PT, for ten minutes via Twitter @SteamTherapy with hashtag #MondayMambo to encourage a break from the desk, a little dancing or movement and of course some fun!
>>Check out previous #MondayMambo moments in #MondayMambo: Get Moving with Mr. Steam .
Any and all movement is encouraged including yoga stretches, hot dance moves or even a brief walk around the office.
To add another element of fun, Mr.Steam asks that you share your method of moving to the music via Twitter and Instagram with #MondayMambo for a chance to win a $25 gift card to Whole Foods!
Most importantly, Mr.Steam wants you to Feel Good, a mantra the company is entirely dedicated to whether it be with steam or music and movement.
>> Learn more about Mr. Steam's wellness initiative and history in Making Wellness a Way of Life: The History of Mr. Steam.
#MondayMambo Benefits:
Music can help revitalize your work day:
How does music positively affect the brain and benefit your health? in 20 surprising, science-backed health benefits of music found research that suggested a plethora of benefits attributed to listening to music. For example,
Music Eases Pain - Research suggests listening to music can ease the "perceived intensity" of the pain.
- Music Reduces Stress - According to, “Music can relieve stress by triggering biochemical stress reducers.”
- Music Improves Cognitive Function - Background music at the work desk could possibly enhance your performance on cognitive tasks.
- Music Elevates Mood - elaborates, “Study participants rated 'arousal and mood regulation' and 'self-awareness' as the two most important benefits of listening to music."

Dance & Movement stimulate senses and body:
Music tends to encourage the body to move. What better way to stimulate the senses and benefit the body, mind and soul than through dance? Who doesn't love a good dance number? Dance as well as simple movement - think walking along the office hallway, or even a treadmill desk - can be great for the body, mind and soul.
More specifically,
Memory - discusses the benefits of dance as follows: “According to a study in The New England Journal of Medicine, dancing may boost your memory and prevent you from developing dementia as you get older. Science reveals that aerobic exercise can reverse volume loss in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory.”
Energy - "Can’t seem to find your get-up-and-go? Taking a dance class might help. Research published in The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition found that a weekly dance program could improve physical performance and increase energy levels among adults," according to
Enjoyment - When it comes to dance benefits, cuts right to the chase, “It's fun!”
Reduce Stress - The recommends taking a five minute break periodically throughout the work day including taking a short walk away from your desk. The CDC states, "Short breaks can help lower stress."
- Productivity - discussed a study conducted by Dr. James Levine alongside treadmill desk user Ben-Ner to accumulate the results of utilizing the treadmill desk. The study of 43 participants showed (through measured metrics from Ben-Ner), an increase in quality of work and colleague engagement with a productivity increase of .69 on a 10 point scale. Wow!
Stretches to make you feel good:
Unable to get up? Swamped at work? No problem! Just turn up some #MondayMambo tunes and perform easy, at-the-desk stretches to feel good, release tension and reduce stress.
Whether it is yoga or a few basic stretches, the key is to get your blood flowing. Mr.Steam is a huge fan of yoga and the various benefits the practice offers. For example,
Boost Immunity - According to, "A recent Norwegian study found that yoga practice results in changes in gene expression that boost immunity at a cellular level."
Lowers Blood Sugar in Diabetics - discovered a study conducted by the University College of Medical Sciences in Shah, New Delhi analyzing 24 patients with type II diabetes. The patients practiced yoga asanas over a period of 40 days. Scientists found a significant decrease in fasting blood sugar levels from about 190 initially to 140.
Increased Circulation - "While it is widely debated whether or not stretching prevents injury, it has been proven to increase circulation," states With increased circulation comes a better flow and supply of nutrients to the muscles and cartilage.
Relaxation - Among many other benefits, mentions relaxation and reduced stress as a great benefit from stretching.
With the holidays approaching, it's time to take to heart suggestions for revitalizing the work day. Why not embrace #MondayMambo and have some fun while dancing, laughing, moving and feeling good?
Join us for our first Monday Mambo this Monday, October 27th and follow us via Twitter with #MondayMambo to catch the latest tunes and moves.
Don't forget to share your favorite stretches and or dance moves on Twitter or Instagram for a chance to win a $25 gift card to Whole Foods every week.
See you Monday!