Steamtherapy Blog | MrSteam

5 Wellness Tips for Working from Home

Written by Hello MrSteam | Thu, Feb 09, 2023

The remote working lifestyle has become increasingly popular as technology advances. However, the added flexibility and freedom come with new challenges. After all, conducting business from home blurs the lines between business and personal time. 

So, what steps can you take to ensure your work-from-home routine boosts productivity and empowers you to feel your best? Whether you are a veteran or new to working from home, here are five top wellness tips to help you find more balance between your job and healthy living.

1. Take a Steam Shower

From glowing skin to improved sleep, “try a steam shower” is an all-natural health tip for a wellness lifestyle. Among the many potential benefits of steam (skin hydration, muscle recovery, clearing sinuses, and improving respiratory health), steam showers may promote employee wellness by helping relieve stress.  

>> Learn the 40 benefits of steaming 

Steam showers may also stimulate the senses when paired with products such as aromatic oils, which may help relieve pressure and tension caused by looming deadlines, complicated projects, and long working hours.  

Scents such as mint have been shown to work for energizing your body and mind in the morning. The smell of lavender may help calm anxiety. 

2. Create a Workout Routine

Feeling cooped up?  

Working out is a terrific way to slip in some extra physical activity and, if you venture outdoors, an even greater opportunity to commune with nature and get some fresh air. Regular exercise increases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters that help us feel more relaxed, tranquil, and refreshed. 

Sounds a lot like the feelings you may have after a nice, hot steam shower, right?  

There’s a reason why: Steam therapy has many potential benefits that are similar to those gained through exercise. It may help increase metabolism, boost energy and detoxes your body. The heat from steam may also stimulate circulation and soothe muscle aches. 

 The benefits are available to you both before and after a workout. If you’re curious about more ways steam may help you reach your wellness goals, read How a Steam Room May Help Boost Fitness Potential.  

>> How Elite Athletes Use Steam to Raise Their Game

3. Choose the Right Lighting Inside and Outside the Shower

Improper lighting can make it challenging to focus in any space. While soft, warm lighting can provide your home office space a relaxing glow and protect your eye health, it may make you feel lethargic if the lights are too dim.  

Cool lighting gives you a more concentrated radiance, allowing you to focus on task-oriented activities such as reading, writing, and other projects.  

Light therapy may be at its most effective when paired with a steam shower. 

Our ChromaTherapy system allows you to transform your mood with various pleasing light choices. After a long work day, imagine the warm, moist air from a steam shower enveloping your body as the perfect lighting creates a flood of mood-invigorating energy. 
The color you choose matters: 

  • Red: Vitality that sparks raw creativity 
  • Yellow: Awakening to personal power and awareness 
  • Green: Harmony, helping you get back in step with life’s rhythms 
  • Indigo: Mystic, to discover the rhythm of energy surrounding you 
  • Blue: Celestial, helping you communicate and share your discoveries 
  • Violet: Nirvana, the culmination of time, place and being 

Ready to light up your bathroom and reap the benefits? Discover the impact that color can have on your overall wellness experience.  

4. Keep Your Body Hydrated

Since ancient times, people have appreciated the rejuvenating effects of healthy eating and drinking plenty of clean water. Water not only hydrates you but also relaxes you. When framing your wellness while working from home, don’t forget the very element your body needs to survive.  

Start your day by drinking plenty of water. For the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate, The United States National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women.  

Once you’ve catered to the inside of your body, give some attention to the outside layer with steam: The warm water can work wonders on your skin, from boosted hydration and opening of pores to increased skin permeability and more. 

>> Why Add Steam to Your Skincare Routine?  

5. Reset With Meditation, Refresh With Steam Therapy

Meditation is a centuries-old practice that provides balance and a sense of peace. Several studies have shown the benefits of deep breathing exercises for emotional and mental health.  

One of the best parts about meditation? It doesn’t take long to realize lasting benefits.  

Find a sequestered and calming space, like a steam room, where you can let your thoughts come and go as you cultivate awareness. As a takeaway, you’ll be able to carry the calmness you achieve during this session throughout the workday or into a good night’s sleep.  

Steam therapy may help you take this a step further. Many people find that the relaxing effects of steam therapy help them calm both mind and body, as steam works on multiple levels to provide the ultimate wellness experience.   

Achieving a healthy work-life balance doesn’t happen overnight. It involves creating a routine and following it closely. We hope these tips will help you find your rhythm at home.