Steamtherapy Blog | MrSteam

Find Your True Path with Yellow and SteamTherapy

Written by Hello MrSteam | Wed, May 10, 2017

Have you ever experienced any of these?

You’ve got an important decision to make, and you just can’t decide which is the right path.

You’re grappling with a difficult project, and you're stuck — the solution just won't come to you.

Your ability to think logically is clouded by your emotions, and you can’t seem to take your feelings out of the equation.

The color yellow may be a great way to help you clear your mind and move forward.

Yellow brings clarity

Surrounding yourself with the color yellow may help you sift through your thoughts in order to find the answers you are searching for (cue the proverbial yellow light bulb popping up above your head!).

The left side of your brain is where yellow is believed to have its affect, and that’s the source of your perception and analytical skills. Yellow is thought to help stimulate your nervous system, and mental abilities, allowing you to kick it up a notch when you're looking to problem-solve.

This color inspires creativity, focus, and illumination. While other colors stimulate your emotions, yellow goes right to your intellectual side. So if you’re trying to make a decision that comes from your head instead of your heart, bring on the yellow.

According to Empowered by Color"Being the lightest hue of the spectrum, the color psychology of yellow is uplifting and illuminating, offering hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun. In the meaning of colors, yellow inspires original thought and inquisitiveness...." 

The brightest color in the spectrum of light

Just how does yellow bring clarity and mental stimulation? Yellow is the brightest and most visible color in the spectrum of light. In other words, yellow gets your attention. Taxi cabs and street signage are bright yellow for this very reason – your brain perceives yellow as a color to take note of. When we see yellow, or bathe in its warm light, we experience heightened alertness, and we’re often moved to action.

Given its bright disposition, it's no surprise that yellow is also typically recognized for the joy and happiness that it exudes. When we think of yellow, most of us conjure up images of the sun, which explains why it also brings to mind warmth and positive energy. The hue can also be associated with optimism. 

Raise your relaxation to a deeper level with yellow and steam

Whether you believe in the deeper meanings of color or simply recognize that they have a profound effect on our emotions and intellect, incorporating color into your life, particularly in those sanctuaries where you seek to renew and refresh yourself, can take your relaxation to a new level.

MrSteam can help you bring the power of color into your daily life with ChromaTherapy.

Like water and heat, light is a fundamental life force which may improve your physical and mental state. The MrSteam ChromaSteam System integrates light with steam, creating a ChromaTherapy environment rich with color and warmth. It brings 6 different colors - including yellow - into your at-home steam shower, each potentially helping to enhance or alter your mood.

>> See How to Create a Spa Experience at Home

Basking in the warm, yellow hue from ChromaSteam may aid in promoting clarity to help you become more in tune with your thoughts, dreams and desires. Your body will also thank you, because steam can help keep your skin feel soft and leave you glowing.

>> See How to Achieve Glowing Skin: 7 SteamTherapy Tips

Are you ready to bask in yellow ChromaTherapy and steam? 

So, the next time you are faced with that daunting question about which path to follow, or what decision to make, look to the color yellow and its ability to tune up your logical thinking abilities. 

We all know the story of the young girl who followed a yellow brick road to find her way; this golden hue combined with steam might just help you do the same.

If you enjoyed this article, we invite you to read other articles in the ChromaTherapy series:

>> What do Green, Steam and the New Year Have in Common? 

>> How to Fight the Blues with the Color Blue, and Steam of Course.

>> Expanding Your Intuitive Mind with Indigo...and Steam

>> Embracing Life with Violet ChromaTherapy and Steam

ChromaSteam™ is a trademark of MrSteam.