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How to Steam Your Face: SteamTherapy Tips

Written by Hello MrSteam | Tue, Jan 29, 2013

Have you ever steamed your face? It's a marvelous way to clear the pores, feel relaxed and look radiant in just a few minutes. 

(Plus, don't forget Mother's Timeless Steam Therapy: Feel Better!)

As explains in Steam Skincare Routine,

"Experts agree that steaming is effective. The vapor imparts a dewiness to your complexion and you’ll find your skincare products penetrate deeper and work more effectively, says Lily Morgan, founder of Lily Organics skincare and author of Beauty, Health and Happiness.

“Heat and moisture also open the pores freeing dead skin, dirt and bacteria and bringing toxins to the surface,” says Cecilia Wong, esthetician and founder of Cecilia Wong Skin Care. But it’s oily and acneic types that generally benefit most from this steamy pursuit. According to Manhattan dermatologist and Skin Rules author, Debra Jaliman, steam gets rid of both blackheads and whiteheads by opening plugged pores and softening blockages."

How To Steam Your Face

Given the therapeutic benefits from just a few moments of steam, SteamTherapy shares with you tips on how to steam your face.

1. The science-smart folks over at suggest bringing this technique back home, with five-minute facial steam sessions using boiling filtered water, as well as essential oils to add aromatherapy. Be cautious, though, as the water could be scalding hot.

2. In How to Steam Your Face to Cleanse Your Pores, Livestrong recommends washing your face first before you steam your face.

3. According to Discovery Health, How Face Steaming Works, "The ancient Greeks and Romans harnessed steam for health and beauty much the same way we do today." It recommends water temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit and getting between 18 to 12 inches from the water (and no closer than 12 inches!)

Although the technique used to steam your face hasn't changed much over time, what's most interesting are the aromatherapy possibilities. We love lavender, but have also discussed rose oil and honey. There's sage and eucalyptus, peppermint and rosemary, too.

When you go and steam your face, which are your favorite herbs and oils?